Discussions “Don’t be indifferent”

“The main theme of the discussion series is “Don’t be indifferent”. In the debates, we will try to look at indifference from various perspectives and consider what indifference is, or perhaps what it is not. Is it our attitude to our surroundings, to the world, to reality, or rather an attitude towards something or someone? What are the sources of indifference? What does or can indifference lead to? Is it a moral imperative, an obligation, a stamp of civilisation, an inner impulse, an individual need? In the following discussions we will look at the phenomenon of non-/indifference from different perspectives, from different points of view. We will invite people with different life experiences, education and worldviews to join the discussion. We will talk about indifference in recent history, indifference in Jewish and Christian theology, we will reflect on indifference and its sources today, and we will discuss indifference or the lack of it in contemporary mass media, in politics, but also in literature and poetry. In the series entitled “Don’t be indifferent”, we will try to analyse the various aspects of indifference, also thinking about the future and wondering what can be done to make indifference in today’s world less and less “popular”. Or perhaps this is what non-indifference is all about, that no matter how bitter the fruits of non-indifference may be, we continue to engage, to take risks, to help, without considering what may come next. The dramatic consequence of being non-indifferent can be anxiety, fear, insecurity and ultimately rejection and loneliness.
All discussions will be led by Karolina Wigura.”

Detailed information on the event can be found at: https://polin.pl/en/thou-shalt-not-be-indifferent-program


25 May 2023




POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jew
Mordechaja Anielewicza 6, 00-157 Warsaw


POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
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